The global village is preparing for the Royal Wedding of William & Kate in London, today (their time) and what a wonderfully celebratory occasion it is for people to be distracted from the usual day to day issues where gold carriages, crowns and tiara’s are prominent in the streets of this great city. Or is it?
The television audience is estimated to be 2 billion people and it is a public holiday in Britain and for the first time it seems there is an air of negativity regarding this type of event in the ‘home’ country. Employers are bemoaning the lost production and revenue; demonstrations will undoubtedly occur and in Australia talk of republicanism will be bubbling away again as evidenced by Q and A last evening.
With the event carefully stage managed an Australian comedy group, ‘the Chasers’ have been banned from the event. Surely they cannot be serious. 10000 journalists are descending upon London and yet no ‘Chasers’ absurd really and I quote Jerry Seinfeld –
“It’s a classic English thing of let’s play dress-up. Let’s pretend that these are special people.
“That’s what the royal family is – it’s a huge game of pretend. These aren’t special people – its fake outfits, fake phony hats and gowns.”
And yet many Australians will enjoy the coverage and many more magazines will be sold as people from over 60 countries around the world tune in.
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